They Served. We Remember.


Please complete this form in its entirety, Incomplete registrations may be rejected. Registration deadline is November 1, 2024.

    Applicant Name


    By submitting your application, you are agreeing to these rules.

    1. We are applying to participate in the Howard County Veterans Day Parade on Sunday, November 10, 2024. We understand that by filing this application we are not automatically guaranteed a place in the parade. All applications must be approved by the Howard County Veterans Foundation. Parade will be held rain or shine.

    2. Deadline for application is November 1, 2024.

    3. We agree to hold harmless the Columbia Association and the Howard County Veterans Foundation and its representatives for any damage we may suffer or cause and to secure such a promise from and on behalf of each in our unit.

    4. We agree to be in our assigned position in the formation area at the time instructed and to follow the instructions of parade officials.

    5. We have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations provided to us by the Parade Committee. All entries will follow the directions of the parade representatives and police at all times.

    6. No candy or promotional items are to be tossed from vehicles or floats to individuals watching the parade. Individuals walking the parade route with prior approval may distribute items by hand at the curb. Absolutely no commercial handouts such as brochures, coupons and/or flyers can be distributed during the parade. Information on your organization and its purpose, mission and how you serve our Veterans and Military Families are acceptable. Please present a proof of the item to the Parade Committee for prior approval prior to November 1, 2024.

    7. Any entry that includes children must have adequate adult supervision. Adult supervision is required on all floats and open vehicles carrying children.

    8. The Howard County Veterans Foundation and/or the Columbia Association reserves the right to remove any person, vehicle, float, etc. not meeting the Parade criterion and standards. Entries should follow the theme of the parade.

    9. Entries are not to espouse political, social or other themes or causes.

    10. Only current and former elected officials will be permitted to participate in the parade. Elected officials and their immediate families will be permitted on the parade route. Supporters/walkers are not permitted to march in parade. No campaign t-shirts, signs, banners or other marketing items are permitted in parade. CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PARADE.

    11. Commercial business entries may not simply ride through the parade route in their company vehicle. All entries must be decorated according to the parade theme and/or in an appropriate holiday manner.

    12. The committee reserves the right to photograph and/or record the entire parade and use these images to promote or benefit the committee’s activities including use in electronic media and/or sale of images.

    13. We agree that we will park our vehicles in the designated parking areas and understand that our vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed if parked in an unapproved lot